Cigar and Lounge supplies cigars that are meticulously cared for to
maintain their integrity from the day they were rolled. Combining these
high quality cigars with a relaxing, yet entertaining atmosphere,
creates the epitome of a cigar smoking experience.
Cigar and Lounge takes pride in leading the industry for the
cleanest air, achieved through several multiple-stage purifiers (not to
be confused with less effective filtration units). In addition, Cigar
and Lounge recycles all cigar ash which makes excellent fertilizer for
the abundant plant life within the lounge. Not to mention the plants
help to clean the air as well.
M - Sat 11:00am - 9:00pm
Sun 11:00am - 7:00pm
Way cool Zach! I think I would like to patronize that establishment due to your dazzling array of photographic brilliance! :) No seriously, the place looks nifty!